Personal Financial Training for the Workplace


Personal Financial Training for the Workplace

Public organisations should ensure their employees are aware of their personal finances and are prepared for life after work through pre-retirement planning. We offer specially tailored training for public sector bodies and their employees.

Help Your Employees Look After Their Money

Your employees’ wellbeing is your business’s wellbeing. Make sure the people working for you are financially literate and properly prepared for the future, once they leave work. We provide training for employers, incorporating financial and pre-retirement training for your staff.

Personal Financial Training for the Workplace

Being financially aware is the first step to gaining control of your financial present, and future. We offer practical financial and pre-retirement training for employees, to help individuals manage their money better and prepare for retirement.

Are your staff prepared for retirement?

Pre-retirement planning will help your employees get ready for the future by highlighting the key issues they will face and providing them with the essential information they need to plan ahead.

Can you protect your assets?

Wealth preservation is critical in ensuring you can pass on your assets to the people you care about after your death. Find out more about wills, trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and what you can do immediately to start preserving and protecting what’s yours

Should your employees be financially aware?

When people lack financial awareness it can lead to money problems and stress, and it may leave them unprepared for the future. Financial awareness training can help them manage their finances, now and in the future.

Understanding pension changes

The Government’s Pension Tax Relief system keeps changing and it’s not always easy to keep up to date with the information that might affect your earnings and pension. Find out all you need to know about lifetime and annual allowances.

Would your employees benefit from personal financial training
You cannot take people’s financial awareness for granted. Many are unprepared for the financial future, such as retirement. They may also struggle with basic money management and find it difficult looking after their day to day finances
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The benefits of workplace financial training
If you support your employees, you support your business. Personal financial training can give them lasting benefits, enabling them to better plan for a future after working life and help them manage their finances better in general terms.
Looking to the future
Retirement may seem a long way off for many, but it makes sense for people to plan for their retirement earlier rather than later, so that they are aware of the choices available to them. Pre-retirement training can help them understand what they should do to ensure they have enough money to support their desired lifestyle.
Why choose Oak Tree for financial training?
We are dedicated to helping people understand financial matters so that they are better prepared for a financially fitter future.
Working closely with businesses and organisations in both the private and public sector, we provide clear, accessible training and seminars aimed at employers and employees.
Why should this matter to you?
Yes, these issues may be more personal concerns, but as an employer they can have a significant impact on you..
Financial worries impact on employee wellbeing, and can affect workplace relationships and productivity. They are a cause of absenteeism, presentism and long-term sickness.

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